Your business doesn’t need an identity crisis or a re-branding moment to earn a slick new redesign.
In fact, chances are your company’s website is due for a makeover. (Who doesn’t want a little face-lift?)
Here are the 6 worthy reasons to redesign your website:
1. Your site isn’t mobile-friendly. If your site isn’t device-friendly, you needed a redesign last year. Internet usage on mobile has long surpassed that of desktops, so this is a big one! Unsure if your site is optimized for mobile? See if it passes Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
2. You’re adding new functionality (or killing old ones). Things like an opt-in box, blog, and e-commerce call for a redesign to ensure that everything flows seamlessly throughout the site. Likewise, some social buttons or “trendy” widgets can make your site look dated. A simple redesign to clean up obsolete tools is never a bad idea.
3. Your site is hard to update. Especially if you need a developer to add new content (and Google loves content!), what you really need is a site platform with an easy-to-use content management system. WordPress, Drupal or Joomla! are good places to start.
4. Your site isn’t converting. Is Google Analytics telling you you’re losing visitors? It could be that your homepage is slow to load, or that your customers aren’t finding what they need immediately. A redesign with clearer, stronger calls to action could improve both your bounce rate and your sales.
5. Ask your customers for feedback. Are they able to find everything they need fast? Do they have any suggestions or think you’re missing any features?
6. Your competitors’ sites are awesome in comparison. Your biz definitely doesn’t take a backseat to the rest of the market — neither should your site.