With so many options to choose from, choosing the perfect web hosting plan usually requires a better understanding of the hosting requirements and detailed research at your end. We will try to cut down on the hype and provide you with the facts to make the right decision. Shared Hosting remains the preferred hosting solution for new website owners. However, if you have a business website or a resource-intensive website like e-commerce, Shared Hosting may not be the right choice. Although a Shared Server is the most lucrative choice mainly due to its low price-tag, business websites may outgrow their benefits very soon.
The Shared Hosting structure works by splitting the resources of the server to host multiple websites. Although it may be the right solution for new websites, it may fail to deliver on the performance with increased inflow of traffic. As the websites share the resources, a traffic surge on one website may adversely impact all other websites on the same server. This is where the VPS Hosting comes into the scene. It is suitable for websites who have already outgrown the benefits of Shared Hosting.
What is VPS Hosting?
Virtual Private Server, or VPS Hosting, works by splitting up the resources of the server into multiple compartments of virtualized server environments. This is done by utilising applications known as hypervisors. Its main function is to provide virtual environments for the clients by utilising the resources from the host server. Each virtual server works in isolation with its fixed allocation of resources. One of the major advantages of VPS Hosting is that the activities on other websites have no role to play in the performance of your website. The two important features of VPS Hosting, which stand out are the isolated server environment for each client and root access to the server.
Right Time to Upgrade to VPS Hosting
- Your website needs a reliable server: In Shared Hosting, multiple websites share the same resources. If the consumption of resources on one website increases, it can have an adverse impact on all other websites sharing the server. The underlying architecture of VPS Hosting makes it a reliable hosting option with improved uptime score. As each of the virtual servers has a dedicated allotment of resources, it offers robust performance from the backend. A website hosted on VPS Hosting has a lesser probability of experiencing frequent downtime.
- Your business needs a better performing website: As the performance of a website has no interference from outside, VPS Hosting allows better website speed. With the inclusion of page speed as on the most important factors in the SEO algorithm, it can hardly be ignored. Also, VPS Hosting has better capabilities – account isolation, dedicated resources, and instant scalability, for dealing with a surge of traffic inflow. This makes it a suitable option for websites entertaining a huge volume of visitors, such as an e-commerce website that expects a surge in traffic during seasonal sales.
- Security is of paramount importance: If you are running an eCommerce website or a site which stores crucial personal data of the visitors, then website security should not be taken lightly. On a Shared Server, all websites share the same IP address making it more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. However, with VPS Hosting environment, each virtual space gets a dedicated IP. Also, with full root access, you can install further security features like compatible antivirus software, additional DDoS protection, malware protection tools. etc. on your server to optimise the performance of your website.
- You need complete access to the server: On a Shared Server, you are restricted to a few options when it comes to installing applications of your choice. The full root access with your VPS Hosting allows greater control over your portion of the server. Depending on the number of responsibilities you want to share with the hosting provider, VPS Hosting comes in two variants. Managed VPS gives most of the task of managing the server to the provider. On the other hand, Unmanaged VPS plans allot the major tasks to the client. However, in both the plans, the ultimate authority lies with the client who can tweak the server to their advantage by installing the operating system and other compatible applications of their choice.
- You require better customer support: VPS plans usually have better customer support. However, it may depend on the hosting provider. Thus, it is better to go with a provider that has already established themselves in the market rather than choosing the cheapest option. This is crucial in times of crisis when you should be in a position to restore your website in the shortest possible time with the help of technical support.
- You need a powerful hosting platform at affordable prices: VPS Hosting is an organic step-up from a Shared Hosting plan. VPS Hosting eliminates the need to purchase the entire server, so you don’t have to pay for unnecessary services and resources which you are not using. It mimics the environment of a Dedicated Server by allocating fixed resources for a website, providing isolation and privacy and offering full root access. Thus, a client can enjoy most of the benefits of Dedicated Hosting on a smaller scale without shelling out a lot of money.
The above features are a starting point and may signal that your hosting needs an upgradation. It will act as a benchmark for you to decide the time for migration of your website from Shared Hosting to a VPS Hosting plan. Do let us know if you have used or upgraded to a VPS Hosting plan in the comments section below!
To know more about the other web hosting categories and to choose the right option for your business, visit our Hosting Blogs Category.