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A Partner
PhpBB is the premier open-source bulletin board software. You can quickly and easily start your own forum or message board to begin building your online community. PhpBB is highly customizable, easy to use, and efficient.
PhpBB is the most widely used open-source bulletin board system in the world.
PhpBB's extensive administration panel allows for total control and ease of use.
The numerous customizations available are supported by a sizable community.
HostGator is one of the world’s top 10 largest web hosting companies with more than 8,000,000 hosted domains. We have over 850 employees to provide you superior around the clock support. We are the perfect choice whether you are looking for business, personal, or even Fortune 500 hosting.
Every web hosting plan comes with a 45 day money back guarantee, 99.9% uptime guarantee, and is fully guaranteed by the CEO himself. If you ever have a problem with the regular support, just ask that your ticket be assigned to Adam and he will personally take the time to give you the VIP attention that you deserve.
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